
My Resonance withLifechanyuan/Kaer Celestial

As young children, we each develop our own concepts of how people and things relate to each other and how they function as a whole. Later, as we grow and become indoctrinated with the norms of our societies, we become "educated" away from those pure concepts. It is rare that one will ever be reminded of those early feelings much later in life with clear evidence that they are perfectly valid.

當我們還是孩童的時候,我們每個人都會形成自己關於人和事是如何相互關聯,以及他們如何作為一個整體發揮作用的概念。 後來,隨著我們的成長和被社會規範的灌輸,我們被教導得遠離了那些純粹的概念。 很少有人會在人生的後期重新被喚起早期那種感受,而這些感受有清晰的證據來證明它們是完全正確的。 When I began reading and editing the Guide, Xuefeng's work, long-abandoned but never forgotten memories filled my mind. A few of these readings have not fullyresonated with me but so many of them have that I have continued working for this community and look forward to the time when I can join it physically. 當我開始對導遊雪峰的作品進行閱讀和編輯的時候, 一些很早以前就被放棄然而卻從未被遺忘的記憶開始充滿了我的腦子。 其中有些部分並沒有完全引起我的共鳴, 但是有很多內容令我願意持續地為生命禪院的社區工作,並期盼著在適當的時機能加入其中。 1.The problem with secular communism is that it places the people in opposition to their heavy-handed government in very many ways; by merging spirituality with communism, that opposition is done away with completely. The carrot works; the stick does not.

世俗意義上的共產主義的問題在於,它總是在很多方面把人們置於強權政府的對立面,而生命禪院通過靈性與共產主義的融合, 使這種對立的局面被消除了。 胡蘿蔔起作用了, 大棒沒有。

2. The core values of reverence for nature, reverence for life, and reverence for the life force of the universe or multiverse is a wonderful life philosophy. I add that all sentient life enjoys self possession and is not to benefit me at their expense.

敬畏自然, 敬畏生命, 敬畏宇宙和多重宇宙的生命力是這裡的核心價值觀,這是一種美妙的生命哲學。 我想補充的是所有有覺知的生命都喜歡為自己占有點什麼, 不會以他們自己為代價來造福我。 3. The respect that everyone in the community has for each other is wonderful and most who become incompatible can be punished by being made to feel uncomfortable and wanting to leave. This life is exemplified perfectly by the parable of the long spoons.

社區成員之間相互尊重, 這種狀態真的很美妙。 大部分感覺自己不能融入的人,會因為感到不舒服而想離開,這就是社區內的淘汰和處罰機制。 這種生活是長勺子寓言中的典型案例。 (注:長勺子的寓言:一位行善的人,臨終時想見天堂與地獄究竟有何差異,於是天使就先帶他到地獄去參觀。 到了地獄,他看到了一張很大的餐桌,桌上擺滿了豐盛的佳餚,地獄的生活看起來還不錯嘛。 天使說你先不用急,再繼續看下去。 過了一會,用餐的時間到了,只見一群瘦骨如柴的餓鬼入座。 每個人手上拿著一把長十幾尺的勺子。 可是由於勺子實在是太長了,最後每個人都吃不到。 我再帶你到天堂看看。 到了天堂,同樣的情景,同樣的滿桌佳餚,每個人同樣用一把長十幾尺的長勺子。 不同的是,圍著餐桌吃飯的人們,他們也同用同樣的勺子吃飯,不同的是,他們都在喂對面的人吃。 而對方也喂他們吃。 因此每個人都吃得很愉快。 ) 4. As all celestials live for the sublimation of their soul gardens and LIVEs, Lifechanyuan's societal structure is such that no celestial who accepts its values would ever place their own luxury and ease of living above that of any other community member regardless of what their job might be. The community is truly classless.

由於所有的常住禪院草都是為了昇華他們的心靈花園和生命品質,在生命禪院的社區的內部,任何接受其理念的禪院草,無論其從事的工作是什麼, 都不能將自己的奢侈品味和生活便利置於任何其他社區成員的水準之上,這個社區是真正的無階級的。

5. Nothing found on the road is kept and doors are not locked at night; personal living spaces are sacred and never entered into without their resident's permission.

社區內的確做到了“道不拾遺,夜不閉戶”。 個人的生活空間是神聖的,未經居民的許可是不得進入的。

6. Understanding that everyone in the community works for the same goal and only celebrates holidays that glorify nature is pure social glue as is knowing that the food is grown locally and is pure and delicious.

我明白了社區內每個人的工作都是為了同一個目標,僅慶祝與自然有關的節日,歡慶活動純粹是一種社區成員社交生活的紐帶,社區內的食物都是本地栽種的綠色無污染的食品, 還非常可口。 7. Having everything but owning nothing is a carefree lifestyle with no concerns for guarding one's private possessions from their neighbors.

“一無所有但是擁有一切”是一種無憂無慮的生活方式, 人們不用再為了怕鄰居覬覦他們的財物而操心防範了。 8. Of course, in order to not risk damage to the entire community, no societal laws, rules, or infractions are ever allowed.

當然, 為了不讓整個社區冒風險, 不允許任何違反社會法律、法規的事情存在。

I expect to awaken some day in Lifechanyuan’s New Oasis for Life or in a reality that is very, very similar. 我期盼著有一天能在生命禪院的生命綠洲中甦醒,或者在一個非常非常相似的現實中醒來。

(翻译:宝贝草) 2020-5-2

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