GEN國際生態村網路聯盟董事會成員,GEN亞太地區總裁,日本木之花代表Michiyo 是靈橋草。
靈橋草的意思是,為來自上帝養護生命的靈與全球兩千多個生態社區搭起一座橋樑,使全球至少一千多個社區像生命禪院第二家園與木之花社區那樣組合成一個大家庭,最終實現諸葛亮在《馬前課》中預言的:“賢不遺野,天下一家。 ”
Application for the Chanyuan Celestial Name--by Michiyo from Konohana Family, Japan Dear Xuefeng,
Since the Konohana Family and Llifechanyuan became one family, and I understand the importance of the celestial name for this community, as a first step of the one family, I would like to be given a celestial name.
We steped forward a very important stage for the world, and I am very much looking forward to have our further events and cooperation.
Thank you for your time and energy that you spend for Konohana Family and me.
with warmest regards, Michiyo
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